A review by _sylviareads_
Blame It on the Tequila by Fiona Cole


Oh yes, this book awoke my love for rockstar romances.!!!

Blame It on the Tequila wasn't what I expected! It was a brilliant page-turner. And I am very pleased that this unique a mix of tropes was done so well. I must admit that I was a little worried about that at first. Second chance, stepbrother, and a rockstar romance in one? Yeah, I just couldn't see that. But it works and I Love it.
I loved that I could see the progression of Parker and Nova’s relationship. This couple is so special and cute together I loved them so much. I am not a fan of the instant love that smacks you in the face from nowhere so to see how their love just grow throughout their journey was something I enjoyed very much. Oh, and this is a slow burn romance but once the spice began it was so hot. Omg I was melting.