A review by novelesque_life
Teacher's Pet by Francine Pascal


(Review Not on Blog)

I picked up one of the Sweet Valley Twins novel at the library (before my strict read in order only rule) and fell in love with the California twins and their friends and family. I had just started reading thicker chapter books, and joining the library summer reading club, I went through these books pretty quick. I was excited that I could read and really fell in love with books and reading. I believe I was about 7-9 when I read these books so it was exciting to read about 12 year old popular preteens. I could relate to both Elizabeth and Jessica, and really could not pick which twin I liked better. I would not finish this series as I would quickly move on to Sweet Valley High ([b:Double Love|529252|Double Love (Sweet Valley High, #1)|Francine Pascal|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1377446756l/529252._SY75_.jpg|3257147]). These are very tame books, and any age could read them. First crushes and bullying were the big issues that I can remember. This is very Full House (TV series) kind of books.

***This is a series review***