A review by suze_1624
Laurel Heights by Lisa Worrall


Ooh, I enjoyed this.
Snarky MC's scoring points of each other, and acknowledging that their detective skills and gaydars must be suspect when they each come to realise the other is gay. A gentle humour to balance the dark.
And a nasty, insidious dark it is too. The seemingly perfect community is hiding all sorts of secrets in its closets - some obvious and many horribly dark. The perpetrator's identity is kept hidden, giving us a small population of suspects - and I did guess wrong.
The build up is quite tense, with the victim suffering more. Our undercover heroes, as well as discovering each other, move toward unmasking the villain but not without putting themselves in danger.
There is a decent amount of story after the reveal, though I thought Scott's announcement to the precinct was without thought for Will.
And the ending, creepy but got me wanting book 2 already!!