A review by librariandest
Camp Tiger by Susan Choi


It's an eery coincidence to read this right after [b:This Was Our Pact|40864829|This Was Our Pact|Ryan Andrews|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1536917259l/40864829._SX50_.jpg|65285306] because the two books are unexpectedly similar. Both are about boys having an adventure with a talking animal. They both have a surreal quality. The pinnacle of both stories is a spread of the night sky which seems especially magical in that moment.

I'm interested to see how 4- to 7-year-olds will react to this story. Will they have ideas about what the tiger represents? Will they think the boy was just imagining the tiger? This is a great one to start a discussion. I imagine some kids will be nonplussed and some will dive into interpretations.

Overall, the illustrations are impressive but uneven. Some of the spreads are gorgeous, particularly the one where the boy and the tiger are cuddling in the tent.