A review by azure_dawn
Строговы by Georgy Markov


Bro the plot is geniusly entertaining! I read the whole thing in like a week! And its long! Some scenes are genuinely striking! Like the scene when the old guy survives the execution by accident and wakes up, then looks up and sees an endless sea of starts, realising he is alive... Just... oh my god. This is so good! Also the scene where they organise a revolutionary meeting in the prison - so tense, so good!
The characters are also SOOO good! The revolutionaries - amazing! People from the village - loveable! Villans - hateable, dangerous, yet not moustache-twirling!

But then... the ideological part of the book is just over the top. You can ignore it for the most of the book, but when main characters go and meet fking Lenin... Wha???... I was actually laughing.
Also old man’s death was kinda weird and badly paced.
Overall, an amazing book, but I understand why it wasn’t translated to English (and of was, then i understand why it wasn’t popular).