A review by smoore05
Fables, Vol. 7: Arabian Nights by Bill Willingham


I remember typing the words a scant few days ago, "This series has had no lull and no filler," well that has changed for the worse sadly. This group of stories has turned out to be the worst of the set so far. Which is sad, because I thought it had great potential. In the end it just seemed mundane and boring, missing the magic of the previous stories. Maybe too it was that I didn't feel any of the introduced East Fables were very deep in character. Sinbad was boring and drab, his servants were nothing, the d'jinn ended up being easily thwarted and the man who let him from his lamp was cynical and brash. It led to nothing really at all. Even Frau Totenkinder's parts were a let down, her scheming with the North Wind seemed quick to the draw, and it didn't even bother to tell us how she managed to get to the farm so quickly. Then the North Wind is never seen from again during the rest of the tale. Instead we get a trickery of words, that supposedly happened, but how did they know when and where the words would be spoken? Or by whom?
Overall, I felt let down by this set of issues. Onward to the next, as I hear overall this series is great and not to be missed and one bad volume does not a bad story make.