A review by caseroo7
Sweet Obsession by J. Daniels


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Sweet Obsession is the third book in the Sweet Addiction series by J. Daniels, and it also crosses over with the Alabama Summer Series. It can be read as a standalone though with no problems. While I have read and enjoyed the Alabama Summer Series, I am new to the Sweet Addiction Series. I really enjoyed this book though, and I cannot wait to read more! J. Daniels is quickly becoming a favorite of mine with her sexy stories, and this one was so good!

Brooke Wicks loves to have a good time. She isn't looking for anything serious, so when she meets the sexy Aussie Mason King she can't wait to have a little sexy fun. But Mason King has done the casual thing in the past and is looking for more. Upon meeting the fun and feisty Brooke, he is determined to get more from her than just a one time hookup and makes it known that he isn't down for just a single night together. Though Brooke makes it clear that she is ready and willing, Mason is willing to do whatever it takes to get to know Brooke and sets out to win her over. But can Mason convince her to give a relationship a chance?

I really loved these two as individuals and I loved them even more together. Brooke was fun and confident, and I really loved how comfortable she was in her own skin. But she also had some insecurities that most never saw. Her friends and Mason were super supportive of her, but there were times that it really came out how much things affected her. Mason was sexy and sweet, and I loved how great he was with Brooke. He really wanted to get to know her in more than just a physical way, and he had a way of convincing her to give things a chance. I thought that both of them made some mistakes here, but the connection growing between these two was so great to see. The chemistry between them was insane, and every single moment they were together was filled with the best kind of tension. Mason was wanting more than just sex, but when it came to these two being together he was absolutely hot! I loved his dirty talk and how natural things were between him and Brooke.

Overall, this was a really good story. I enjoyed the funny times as well as the sweet and sexy ones. This one had it all, and I really loved Brooke and Mason. I did think that both Brooke and Mason handled a few things poorly here though, and I was a bit frustrated with them at times. Mason was trying so hard, and yet Brooke was always running scared from anything serious with him even though it was already happening. I didn't really understand her issues with commitment, when it seemed like she had never really had anything happen to her to make it that way. There was no huge and painful breakup from her past, and she had never been in love. So I just didn't really understand where all the fear was coming from. I still really enjoyed the story though, and I can't wait to read more from J. Daniels in the future.

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