A review by rissaleighs
The Dragonfly Sea by Yvonne Adhiambo Owuor


The Dragonfly Sea is a coming of age story richly steeped in setting. We follow the heroine, Ayaana, across a decade or so and three continents. When I began the book, I had no concept of coastal east Africa, but now I feel as though I could find my way around Pate Island like an old resident. This book is wonderfully vivid.

So why only three stars? I guess I just struggled to connect to the characters. In some ways Ayaana grew more opaque as the story wore on. The characters seemed to speak on riddles and react in hyperbole. As a reader, I also wanted more closure around certain characters. I loved the beginning of this story, but starting with the voyage to China, I kind of struggled to keep in step.

It's a beautiful book, though. I just didn't love it.

I received a free digital ARC of this book through the Penguins First Reads program in exchange for an honest review. :)