A review by bookcub
Tear You Apart by Sarah Cross


Let’s talk abut this book, shall we? It is wonderful. Amazing. Awesome. Exquisite. Beautiful. Fabulous. There are too many words to describe this book.
Tear You Apart is the companion novel to Kill Me Softly. Read Kill Me Softly first, this one has spoilers. So this is a retelling of Snow White.And unlike most re-tellings, the characters know this is their own version of the original story. All the characters live in Beau Rivage, where everyone is part of a Curse. Viv, the Snow White of this story, is the second Snow White she knows of. The first one is willing drugged 24/7 to appease her prince. Viv is terrified what will become of her curse. She has an evil stepmother she used to love, a father who doesn’t care about her, and a Huntsman who cares to much, her on-again, off-again boyfriend.
Henely is her Huntsman, and they have such a messed up relationship, that makes so much sense. They love each other, but also terrified of what will happen. The characters were so realistic. Viv was so real and she made sense and her emotions felt like they were mine. I just wanted to hug her. Henely was very loyal, but also very selfish. It worked. He was not the stereotypical YA prince, he was very different from most male characters in YA. More flawed than others. Great ensemble cast for her friends. I love them all, Jewel, Mira, Blue, FREDDIE (who is so funny and chivalry is not dead). We got to meet Jack and Beth. Now I want everyone’s story more than before.
The tone and plot is so creepy and gritty. Also, the Twelve Dancing Princesses tie into the story, which was cool. There were twists and turns (and death, I almost cried). Never a boring moment in this book. I was supposed to be doing homework, but next thing I knew, it was midnight and I had finished it. Great pacing. Also, I love fairy tale re-tellings, especially when there is overlap between them.
There were no negatives about this book. This is a 5 star book because it couldn’t have been better. Recommended for those who like fairy tales and creepy books, like the Mara Dyer books. Just go read it. You will not regret it.