A review by gaderianne
The Memorist by M.J. Rose


This is the second book in a series (the first was The Reincarnationist...which I did not read). I didn't realize this was the second book until I started reading the book. While the first book is referenced it isn't necessary although it might have helped understand some of the depths of the characters.

All in all, it's an interesting concept - memory tools exist in the world that help people tormented by past life experiences remember so they can move on with their lives. The memory tool at the center of this book was a flute connected to Beethoven and, in turn, connected to present day museologist/psychologist named Meer. Unlike so many books that shift back in time or through multiple perspectives through various characters, this one does it well. By the time they all come together in the end, it felt like is was supposed to....the souls of past lives reunited, lost souls found.

However, the book just wasn't as interesting as is could have been. It took me several starts to actually finish. Perhaps it just felt too lecture-y in parts....the history lessons too apparent, the research showing through not because it advanced the plot or the characters but almost as if the author researched said topic and needed to fit it in.

Over all, I loved reading about reincarnation theory and am interested in reading more - fiction and non-fiction alike!