A review by bailo2
The Lives of Tao by Wesley Chu


While this is a trilogy, I only got around to reading the first two books. I give it props for the concept. Basically, there’s a secret war going on between two alien races who survive on our planet by taking over the bodies of humans. They then commune with these humans, get them to join their cause, and turn them into secret agents. This war is ultimately what is behind both modern-day and historical wars and politics. That’s the best way I can sum it up. It sounds a bit corny when I write it, but I thought the premise could have a lot of potential. There are some interesting bits and characters, but the writer’s style and technique is a bit juvenile. In this case, that was distracting for me and made the story feel contrived. But I was interested enough to get my husband to tell me what happens in the third book. I wanted to know what happened but no longer wanted to wade through the author’s prose.