A review by bex_montgomery
The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins


Post-Apocalyptic Utopian fiction has always been my favorite genre. Given that, and having heard so much buzz from trusted friends about this book, (and even more about the upcoming sequel 'Catching Fire')by Suzanne Collins, I was pretty sure I was going to love it. No dissapointment here. It definitely fell into the category of "can't put down" for me. Collins' future world was complex and unique and the impossible situations thrust upon 16 year old Katniss are both heart breaking and intriguing. I found my self in tears and then much like the characters bucking up and moving on because this book doesn't stop for tears. This isn't that kind of world. This is a world where survival is on the line at every moment and emotions will have to wait. Ironically, it's those subverted emotions that play an integral part in the plot and survival of Katniss in the end. Part Brave New World, part Schwarzenegger in Running Man and part pure gladiator, this book is not only engaging but an important commentary on social equality and the lengths we will go to for entertainment. I'd recommend it as required reading for all high-school students and most adults. Anyone who picks up this fascinating book will be a fan and maybe even a little better person for it.