A review by capesandcovers
First Team: A Marvel: Xavier's Institute Novel by Robbie MacNiven


I was surprised how much I liked First Team, especially since I had requested it on NetGalley because of my younger sibling who loves Anole. Despite having little knowledge of Anole, Cipher, Graymalkin and Rockslide, I ended up really liking all of their characters and am considering trying to read them in comics at some point.

The story is written in third person and switches perspectives across most of the characters in the story, both the teens on the team, and the villains as well. It was action packed and a quick read, once I started I didn't want to stop. I did feel a bit distanced from the characters compared to what I usually prefer, but that tends to happen a lot in the IP novels I've read, so take that with a grain of salt. Overall, it was a fun, diverse superhero story that I'd definitely recommend for libraries and anyone who loves superheroes.