A review by julespie
Up to Me by Michelle Leighton


Oops. Clicked 4 when I meant to click 3.

I enjoyed this book because I enjoy Cash and I probably would have given this 4 stars if it didn't end so abruptly. Nash is beaten and stabbed and they are given 3 days to do what they need to in order to get these Russian Mafia dudes of their backs and then THE END. WTH? I know Book 3 is eventually coming and it will be Nash's story and I assume Marissa since she's been reborn after her kidnapping incident but come on... it just abruptly ended. I needed a tiny bit more closure than that!

And I'm more than irritated with the relationship between Nash & Cash. It was understood that some animosity would be there considering Nash was presumed dead but wasn't and he was in hiding for all those years but to have him saying he thinks his brother is invovled somehow that he doesn't trust him? That's a far stretch.