A review by andreag23
Mastering Magick: A Course in Spellcasting for the Psychic Witch by Mat Auryn, Silver RavenWolf


After reading »Psychic Witch« which I find very recommendable, my expectations for this second book of Mat Auryn were high … and they were completely met.

This book starts with a good disclaimer and in the acknowledgments, the author mentions that he had a sensitivity reader and a neurodivergent test group. So my expectation grew that this would be an inclusive book. And it is indeed, for instance there are several ideas how to reach the alpha wave state for deep meditation/trance and the phenomenon of aphantasia (some people cannot see or visualize images before their inner eye) is also addressed.
The author also explains complex historical magick concepts, like the Hermetic Principles and the elements, in an easily understandable way which in my eyes makes this book very accessible to witchcraft/magick newbies.

In the beginning, Mat Auryn writes a bit about his childhood and how he got interested in magick. I would like to put a content warning here because he also recalls experiences with a violent, abusive relative. As in »Psychic Witch«, Mat Auryn sometimes refers to pop culture to explain some things, for instance with a quote from Frank Herbert’s science fiction series »Dune« with regards to »the Mysteries« or a reference to the BBC shows »Sherlock« and »Dr. Who«.

Other than »Psychic Witch« the chapters of this book do not build upon each other. Instead, the author writes about several different topics of witchcraft and magick, with lots of exercises and also really interesting contributions by other witchcraft/magick authors. Several of the exercises/spells resonated immediately with me (as in, »This is great, I want to try it soon«), some not so much, but that was something what I expected before starting the book, so that’s okay for me.

The author not only writes spells and exercises, but also explains their purpose and where they are orginally from. For instance, he has developed some of his own and there are also some which he has learned by other witchcraft/magick teachers and has adapted them a bit or simplified them, or else.

For most of the spells, some items are needed, for instance herbs, crystals, witchcraft tools, but there are also some you can perform without any items, just your mind, body and (psychic) senses.
While the basis of many spells in this book is often a general topic (like cleansing, protection, a freezer spell, working with magical shapes, a witch ladder/cord, magical poppets...), the spells themselves are quite unique. Related to the people who have contributed here, these spells as well as those by Mat Auryn himself, also have their own style. With this I mean that you won’t find something similar with a quick internet search. There are also some good guided meditations/journeys included, four of them about the elements.

As in any good witchcraft/magick book, there is a bibliography in the end and I'm not exaggerating when I say that this one is really extensive, so there are lots of good ressources for further reading.

Conclusion: I can highly recommend this book to any witch and magical practitioner, no matter if you are just starting out as a newbie or have a few years of experience. I would also recommend to read »Psychic Witch« if you can.