A review by shhchar
Imaginary Girls by Nova Ren Suma


This book was amazing, hands down. If I had one word to describe it? Eery. But in a good way!

This books revolves around Chloe--and her sister Ruby. Chloe is the main character though, and the book begins two summers ago. (In THEIR time, not ours.) Chloe is at a party with Ruby. Ruby is the girl every girl wants to be, and every guy wants. Even more than just being a popular highschooler. She isn't even in high-school. She has something that abnormally draws people to her. Get my hint? Anyway, at this party Ruby tells a story. A story about an old town named Olive, drowned under the reservoir. (The party is taking place on the shore of the reservoir.) Ruby says that Chloe could go swim the reservoir now and bring back a souvenir from Olive. Chloe agrees, and dives off to do it. Instead she finds a boat. With a body.

Bear with me, because I'm trying to be careful. This is one of those books were if you literally say something you shouldn't; you could give a big part away. This is also the type of book where the things you'd forget about are the things that are the most important. Remember that.

Anyway, skip forward two summers. Chloe has been living with her dad. And Ruby drags her home. She assures Chloe that she won't have to worry anymore. That everything is like how it had been before she found the body of the girl. (London--that's the girl's name.) And here is where I stop! Now onto my critiques and so forth. =)

The writing style was so smooth and definitely affected you. It made you think, and it made you wonder. Made you imagine WHILST still reading the page. I felt like I was in this town, because even though the descriptiveness wasn't pages long--it did the trick. I loved the stories Ruby told and the way Chloe thought adoringly of her sister. Writing=10/10

Chloe was so loveable. She understood what it felt like to be overshadowed. Which I bet a lot of people know how that feels. She still loved her sister unconditionally though. Ruby on the other hand had that total factor—that YOU as the reader totally wanted. You wanted to be like her, but you were somewhat repulsed at the same time. At least I was. There were a few side characters that I would have liked a better back story with. A.k.a. Owen. Characters=8.5/10

Now I'm trying not to ramble or repeat myself. This is hard. I want to finish up now; but I do have a few more important things to say. This book gives you closure, but also leaves you with lingering thoughts that can last a long time. I won't be forgetting this book anytime soon. It leaves you with answers to the most detailed questions. . .but leaves you wondering about the overall idea. This is perfect. I won't be racking my brain (or the internet) to find out what happened, thinking I missed something. This book left you with a blank slate to fill in yourself once it was all over.