A review by becsa
Texas Haven by Kathleen Ball


Annie Douglas is trying to escape New York after catching her fiance in bed with her best friend and goes to Weltworth, Texas to look at some property that her brother Sonny just bought.

Burke Dawson is trying to keep his ranch afloat and is shocked that his ex-wife Alice sold half of his families property to Sonny. But Burke is also looking for a wife and Annie may be the perfect person to fill that position.

But when Alice shows up shortly after Burke and Annie are married things are going wrong for Annie and unfortunately she doesn't know whose side Burke is on.

I enjoyed this book but I had a hard time really loving the characters. I liked Annie but until just past mid-way through the book she really never stood up for herself in any way and was walked all over by most of the characters. I was so frustrated for her.

I really was not happy with Burke through the whole middle of the book after Alice arrives. I know the author most likely intended for that to happen and in that she did a great job! Alice was pure evil and I hope something really bad happened to her!

I'm still looking forward to reading more from this author!