A review by simsarah79
Kids These Days by Drew Perry


Smirk. That's what I did whilst reading this book. I LOVED IT!! Okay so I couldn't keep the main character, our protagonist Walter bring really being Geroge Clooney (like the Descendants) but whatever, it worked.
I loved that it didn't need to be something sensational. It didn't involved zombies or vampires or something really outrageous. It was just about a guy who (okay so it had a shoot out and a parachute dude but still..) is scared of what's to become of his life since his wife got pregnant. They are human beings going through the emotions of dealing with life.
And it was funny, but realistic and sweet and I may have wanted to know more about Alice but that's okay. So, how about a sequel mr. Perry??

hugs. this book rocked. the first one was good too but this one was even better.