A review by stephaniealysse
A Boy Called Bat by Elana K. Arnold


This sweet novel is perfect for children of all ages. A Boy Called Bat is a delightful little book full of joy, care, and one lovable protagonist.

Oh, how I wish I could be Bat’s teacher! I know I would just adore him! He is so sweet and so easy to love. Props to the author for writing a character on the spectrum who is loved and accepted just as he is. I so appreciated that the adults in Bat’s life didn’t try to change him. Also, thankfully, there isn’t any reference to bullying. (I’m so over the assumption that children will go out of their way to bully those who are different! In my experience, the exact opposite is often true. Kids are very capable of being kind and accepting.) Bat may be misunderstood at times, but the people in his life genuinely care for him and want to know him better. I’m so glad there are two more books in this series because I’m not ready to say goodbye to this character quite yet.

This novel would work nicely as a read aloud for the k-2 crowd, and older children should enjoy reading it independently. My classroom library now has a spot reserved for A Boy Called Bat. I can’t wait to share this little treasure with my students.