A review by thehamsterreads
Magic by Cassandra Morgan


“Heroes are not made by their great deeds of individual triumph. They are defined by their small acts and influence upon the world.”

As the blurb says, Charlie Hill’s life is abysmal. He’s bullied constantly and his dad is locked in a mental ward because he believes his time in Chartile was real. But Charlie is about to find out just how real Chartile is. Charlie is not so good at everything he tries to learn in Chartile (unlike his dad Jayson), but he doesn’t give up, and he just may find out who he is and what it means to be a hero along the way.

I was sad that Chartile fell into war after Jack, Jayson, and Leo left at the end of the first book. I would have loved for a happily ever after for the world, but alas, that was not to be. But there wouldn’t be a second story then, so I suppose it’s alright. I absolutely loved Magic! Charlie is such a wonderful character. He sure grew a lot over the course of the story. I loved his relationship with his horse Cinders. She was so cute! I also really liked Ailinn, who is as firey as her mother Piper was. The story is well written and I didn’t want to put it down! I really enjoyed entering the world of Chartile again and learning more about its magic. Kashna, the qarveena - basically a winged panther - was a cool addition to the cast. I would love to meet him in real life! I highly recommend this series!

I received an ARC from the author and I’m voluntarily leaving an honest review.