A review by amandawije
Sleepless in Manhattan by Sarah Morgan


I am choosing to give this book 4 out of 5 stars.

Characters: I really enjoyed the cast of characters in this story. I didn't realize that this was the first book in a trilogy (from what I gather each book is told by a different one of the three women) and when I did finally realize this I became more invested in the characters. I really enjoyed that the characters all shared a past together. Sarah made me very interested in the dark secrets of characters' pasts and I'm eager to learn about them in the following books. The characters seemed very complex and multi-dimensional.

Romance: I will say that at times the romance read like 50 Shades of Grey and I kept making connections between the two books. If the romance was supposed to be a surprise, it wasn't. If you were meant to know it would all come to a head then Sarah did a great job with that! I did feel as if what happened at the end of the book was rushed. I think the final outcome was realistic, but that it would have been better played out over a few more pages.

Setting: I absolutely loved the setting of NYC in this story. Sarah did a wonderful job immersing the reader in the setting and I was able to vividly picture all settings in this story. The setting will make for really great opportunities for the following two installments of the trilogy.

Overall Plot: Although I found some of the plot to be slow, I did get into the story. I would say after 130 pages I became invested in what was going on. Overall, I enjoyed this story and am very interested in reading the rest of the trilogy when it comes out.

** I received this book in exchange for an honest review**