A review by smaravetz
Spooky Little Girl by Laurie Notaro


I liked Laurie Notaro's memoirs[b:The Idiot Girls' Action-Adventure Club: True Tales from a Magnificent and Clumsy Life|7531|The Idiot Girls' Action-Adventure Club True Tales from a Magnificent and Clumsy Life|Laurie Notaro|http://photo.goodreads.com/books/1227925502s/7531.jpg|514237] and [b:We Thought You Would Be Prettier: True Tales of the Dorkiest Girl Alive|7533|We Thought You Would Be Prettier True Tales of the Dorkiest Girl Alive|Laurie Notaro|http://photo.goodreads.com/books/1165627292s/7533.jpg|1199330], which are witty, sarcastic, confessional and silly. I don't think her style translates to novel format as well. That being said, I still enjoyed this, but I think that Notaro doesn't show so much as tell, and her character's backgrounds are told through a series of reminisces and tangents that sometimes confuse. Her ideas about the afterlife are pretty neat though, and I like the idea of a ghostly training class to teach haunting!