A review by _xmaxime
The Black Sheep by Sophie McKenzie


I thought this book was really interesting as this the first book of this genre that I have read. I found it gripped me from the very beginning which does not happen a lot with the books that i read although I found that the storyline quite far fetched and didn't entice me that much and the only reason I carried on reading till the end was to find out the murder. As well I found the writing to be really simple and a little bit lazy especially with a book like this where you need to pay attention to the small details and link each side storyline with main one and for me that did not happen if you read the book to the end you would been able to connect the dots back to Lucy as she had a motive whereas the part with Dex carrying out the murders does not seem right as he had no motive therefore making his addition to the murders not relevant.

I would read this book again although there are some definite plot holes