A review by royda88
Hat Trick by Eden Finley

Did not finish book. Stopped at 70%.
I've already started getting a little annoyed by the characters actions from the last book but I was still able to finish them. This latest couple, however, I just could not finish. Maybe if I finished it I would understand more of their motivation but neither are mature enough so, to me, this relationship was the most unbelievable. 

All the characters take a dig at how old Soren is but his decisions come across, to me, more immature. And Jet, the one that wants to be treated like an adult and have this grand relationship makes decisions like the 20-something he's supposed to be but then turns around and gets mad that everybody treats him like a child. 

I might read the rest of this in the future but for right now, this couple is just not doing it for me. I usually love a good age-gap story but this is not enough. I feel like the situations they find themselves in could be resolved way earlier but since the characters are all in their heads too much that they can't get to the right conclusion without laying on the angst first.