A review by valeriemadsen
Ubuntu!: An Inspiring Story about an African Tradition of Teamwork and Collaboration by Stephen Lundin, Bob Nelson


I saw this little book on a library table and thought, "How funny! A book titled 'Ubuntu' that has nothing to do with the operating system." How could I resist? I read it in about 90 minutes. For 89 of those minutes, I kept waiting for the book to get to its good part. Really, the best part of the book is a quote from Nelson Mandela on the back jacket (he's not talking about this book, though).

The book itself is pretentious and dumbed-down. The dialogue is written at a second-grade level. The authors are directing this wibbley bowl of porridge at people who are looking to trade money for formulaed words in the hopes of being a better manager. The better manager would spend their time doing anything BUT reading this book.