A review by meganmreads
The Reckoning by Alma Katsu


I won this book via Goodreads First Reads Program. In exchange, I’m providing an honest review.

The Reckoning was absolutely amazing. If I could give it more than 5 stars on a scale of 1 to 5, I would! I loved The Taker and was so intrigued by the entire concept of immortality and the histories of the people involved. The Reckoning picks up where The Taker left off. Alma Katsu has created a wonderful story with characters who grow and change and remain interesting. The character development in this novel is incredible.

The Reckoning has turned my previous opinions of the characters upside down. In The Taker, I felt as though I understood Lanore. I felt her love for Jonathan. I felt her fear of Adair and shared her hatred of him. In The Reckoning, however, I begin to feel sympathy for Adair and found myself hating him in some parts and loving him in others. I felt like I developed a new level of understanding for each of the characters. Alma Katsu has twisted my gut and heart with her characters and I’m deeply invested in their stories. When I finished The Taker, I loved it, yet wondered where the story would go. I did not expect the sequel to be as amazing as it was, nor change my feelings for the characters as much as it has.

The Reckoning is well written, suspenseful, thoughtful, heart wrenching, and interesting. It’s not just about immortality or love or fear. It’s about all of these things wrapped up together in a twisted tale. Questions of love and loneliness and magic and society and God and sex and the breaking of hearts are all apparent and all addressed in this book. I could gush forever about the characters in this book and how well developed and deep and interesting each one of them can be. This series is intelligent, thought provoking, and deep.

I cannot wait for the next book in this trilogy. I recommend these books to anyone interested in a twisted, somewhat dark tale involving immortality and life. I can’t imagine anyone NOT loving this series. Alma Katsu earned my respect with the first book in the trilogy. This sequel has skyrocketed her from an author I like to one of my favorite authors, now. I cannot wait to see what else she writes and see how this particular story ends.
