A review by tashalostinbooks
X-It by Jane George


I received this book free from Goodreads' first reads.

I don't know what made me enter to win this book. It's not the type of book I normally read. In fact after I entered I almost withdrew. It's not really fair to be given a book to read when it's not your usual genre; when you are not the target audience. I didn't withdraw. I figured I wouldn't win anyway. When I did win it, I wasn't too excited about reading it. It sat on my coffee table for several weeks. Finally I started it one night. I read the first two chapters and thought "meh." I let it sit there a couple more days. I wasn't impressed. It was okay, but not great. Also, it was told in first person present tense. I know that is a ploy to make the story more interesting, but mostly it's just annoying. A couple days later I impulsively put it in my bag to read at lunch. The next day I did the same. Then I stayed up half the night to finish it. Anyway, enough with this boring stuff, here's my review.

I am in love with J.J. I don't mean she is a realistic, sympathetic, well rounded character who grows during the story, she does, but that's not what I mean. I mean I AM IN LOVE WITH J.J. I want to know her, be friends with her, help her, give her a hug and some chocolate. I felt with her. I felt every fear and insecurity, every obsession and depression. I was not familiar with her world, but J.J. (or rather Jane George) brought me there, and I was truly there. And isn't that what fiction is for?

I usually wait and digest a book before I write a review, but this book needs to be rated on emotion. The five star rating doesn't mean this was a perfect book, it wasn't, in fact the ending was a bit corny, but that it took me on a journey that I enjoyed and believed.