A review by thelifeoflaura
The Nancys by R.W.R. McDonald


A Nancy Drew lover? Wanting a Nancy Drew style book to read as an adult? Then this is the one for you.

Tippy Chan is eleven and lives in a small town in a very quiet part of the world - the place her Uncle Pike escaped from the first chance he got as a teenager. Now Pike is back with his new boyfriend Devon to look after Tippy while her mum's on a cruise.

Tippy is in love with her uncle's old Nancy Drew books, especially the early ones where Nancy was sixteen and did whatever she wanted. She wants to be Nancy and is desperate to solve a real mystery. When her teacher's body is found beside Riverstone's only traffic light, Tippy's moment has arrived. She and her minders form The Nancys, a secret amateur detective club.

What starts as a bit of fun and a bonding experience turns into Tippy and her uncle finding out more than they every expected. Can they find all the clues and crack this mystery?

An interesting read! I found it weird reading an adult book through the voice of an 11-year-old. There was something just young and innocent about the book (through all the sexual innuendo and adult jokes scattered in like a Disney movie trying to appeal to the adults forced to watch with their children). It was interesting and I was intrigued to discover what Tippy and her uncle could find out, but I just felt that I was confused between the voicing and adult aim of this book. It’s a 3 and a half stars for me - good, but I’m not blown away. Though, if you grew up on Nancy Drew, this might really appeal to you.