A review by definitelynotghostt
Corrupt by Penelope Douglas


I have to admit it took me some time to really get into reading this, but I really enjoyed it.

I love Michael and Rika’s dynamic.

There were times that I was annoyed with Rika’s decisions just because the girl has been obsessed with Michael since forever BUT she is not a weak FMC.

She is a fighter and I absolutely love her for it.

The epilogue alone made me want to rate it 5 stars just because of the last line, but I’ll be sticking with my rating.

I love the Four Horsemen and laughed at them becoming cute idiots at one point.

All in all I really liked this, there were points where it was getting iffy with the age gap in flashbacks and the amount of times this poor girl got groped… my god.

In the end like I said the girl is a fighter, “damsel in distress” is not in her vocabulary.