A review by marniefaith
Jade Is a Twisted Green by Tanya Turton


I was given a free e-arc from NetGalley, in exchange for a fair and honest review.

I can't explain how much I loved this book! Initially, I struggled to get into it as the writing style proved difficult for me to connect with, but that was quickly resolved by the second chapter. After that, I truly couldn't wait to continue reading it. Tanya Turton's character building and view of the world is so beautiful - Jade's story had me crying on multiple occasions.

The descriptions of everything; hair, food, setting, styles - all worked in tandem to build the most beautiful image in my brain of the characters and their surroundings. Not only that, but the nuances of each character that really helped establish themselves as an individual were so interesting to read more about.

The nurture and delicacy of Jade's story was truly beautiful; the way in which she learnt to live alongside her grief, and really grow into herself was incredible to see. The only downside to the book, for me, was the depiction of polyamory. Poly relationships are supposed to be agreed from both sides, and though it did eventually result in informed consent, the events prior to that being established felt quite ill-informed. Other than that, I found it to be a really enjoyable read!