A review by nickpalmieri
Batman and the Outsiders, Volume 1: The Chrysalis by Chuck Dixon, Julián López, Carlos Rodríguez


A quick read, but lots of fun. Characters constantly go in and out of this book, but each one shines in the few moments they're featured. Chuck Dixon shows his proficiency at creating unique voices for each character, through interesting differences in dialogue and action. Too often in comics the art is just there to carry the story, but here it's essential and intimately tied to the story. I was amazed at how almost every panel contained unique dialogue as well as one or two clear visuals to help build up other characters or further the plot. The plot itself is secondary to the character development and team-building, and what we do get is clearly the beginning of a larger story, but the book moves at a great pace and contains a ton of fun moments. Worth a look if you can find it for cheap or at a library.