A review by lidy_ugh
The Old School by P.M. Newton


I must give my deepest apologies to Newton, for I initially described this book as "written like bad fanfiction" but it is definitely NOT so. She manages to imbue to essence of thriller/mystery so well and there were multiple times that I was at the edge of my seat, scared to find out what was on the next page but unable to prevent my finger from turning the page. I must admit, I am the prime target for plot twists and character reveals as I have no sense of foreshadowing and will take the smallest of surprises with great astonishment. Either way, I was highly entertained and the implication of Nhu's family in the case added a commendable element of personal gain into the investigation. My favourite things, however, were the commentaries on Indigenous Aboriginals and their land rights, multiculturalism and assimilation in addition to the systemic and systematic racism and prejudice embedded in our justice system. Seeing all facets of Sydney was also a great hit to my ego and it was just so heart-breaking, seeing the active and violent consequences of persecution and subjugation of the Aboriginals. Reading this in the contemporary era, I feel that we're so far removed from the harsh reality that so much of our history was violent, and overtly so. Characters are murdered, are stripped of their land, fear the people that should be protecting them because of the fucked up colonial constructions of civility and humanity. Seeing Nhu have to balance precariously in situations that require so much finesse just to be seen as equal or capable was so painful as well. I should've been writing my thoughts as I read the book but alas, we're here now. I'm sure there were so many other things I could've mentioned but either was this was a great read, not just for its entertainment value but for the conversations it catalyses about our history, present and future.