A review by jen286
Entice by Rachel Van Dyken


I enjoyed Entice more than I thought I would. After the last book in this series I wasn't even sure I wanted to read Entice. I didn't like Chase in the last book and I only read it just to see what would happen. I had to just not think too hard about the storyline and the timeline of events and stuff to be okay with everything. Especially if you have read the first two books. I understand making it so that Chase was not really in love with Trace and moving on to someone else, but to do that this quickly was a little...I just had to not think about it and then I enjoyed it. Then it was fine.

Where the last book left off was with Trace and Nix reconciled and Chase super depressed because he loves Trace. Mil needs his help, needs him to marry her for protection. So this book starts off with them getting married. Chase is still in love with Trace, it hasn't been very long since he 'lost' her, but he is stepping up to help Mil because he is a good guy. Mil is also the girl he lost his virginity to, and she to him, so there is history between them. Mil is always angry with Chase, always being prickly with Chase and Chase loves it. They both find the other attractive and from the moment they are married Chase is just like all caveman Mil is mine!! From the moment he first kisses her again out of annoyance he is just like mine!! All mine!! She is mine!! It was a bit not realistic, but if you just go with it then fine. Of course there is some mob drama and their honeymoon to Vegas gets sidetracked by death and destructions, but pretty quick they both realize they love each other. They can't live without each other. Again way too quick, Chase moved on way too quickly from Trace, but if you just didn't think about t too much it was fun.

The mob drama was also resolved way too easily but eh. It was just a fun book. The one thing I didn't like though, and I think it was supposed to be humorous but I really didn't like it, was how often/how easily everyone draws their gun on everyone else. Trace points her gun at Nix all the time if he says something that she doesn't like even a smidgen. Everyone instantly points their gun at everyone else if they do something small that they don't like. It was....I know they are good with guns and all but what if something happens? An accident? You would really be able to live with yourself if you shot and killed the love of your life because you had a gun pointed at them because of something stupid? I also felt like there was way too much Nix and Trace in this book. Like half of the chapters were Nix chapters and I just found them both to be annoying in this book. Trace is just obsessed with being married asap and Nix was just...I just didn't like them much. It made me think did I even like them? Did I really like them in the first book? Because how they were in this one was not good. It was like everyone flipped for me. I didn't like Chase in the last book, but I liked him in this one. I liked Trace but didn't like her now. Odd. Still a fun read, maybe my favorite Rachel Van Dyken books.

This review was originally posted to Jen in Bookland