A review by imaginejolls
The Book of Azrael by Amber V. Nicole


the biggest problem this book has is that it didn't have an editor. props to the author for self-publishing a book in her 20s, that is an accomplishment for sure! but the truth is, the book is bad. it could have been much better if it had another set (or three) of eyes to go over it and help it achieve its full potential. then i would even rate it in the 3 to 4 star range. alas. let's get into it.

the most common and annoying issue is the tense switching. the whole book is in past tense, but littered throughout are lone sentences and even whole paragraphs in present tense. the missing punctuation was less disruptive, that happens with most books. liam's monologuing to deliver exposition when we first get his POV was cumbersome, and all of the dream/memory inserts were lot more bearable when the whole thing wasn't in cursive.

during a fight sequence in the first third of the book, the author forgets she sets the underground library ablaze, and thus our heroine doesn't remember to worry about things like: smoke obscuring her enemy, or running out of oxygen. the beginning of chapter 22 is an absolute mess and my buddy read friends had to reassure themselves that they were not having a stroke. 

over all this book reads like something one would encounter on Wattpad. our leading lady is insufferable a lot, which makes it hard to root for her (or the romance) in any way, shape, or form. personally i couldn't stand when she was needlessly reactive as an excuse for our two romantic leads to get into an argument. it was cheap. 

if you're thinking of reading this book, don't. it's not worth your time. i have no idea what warranted it having over 800 pages.