A review by rhodered
Cold Iron by Stina Leicht


DNFed at page 253 out of 643 after leaving it by my bedside for a couple of months.

Part of it’s me — coming of age (which this starts as) and male lead adventure characters don’t interest me all that much. Plus, I’m well enough read that if it’s not unusual, it can be a bore. There weren’t that many unusual things in the world building.

So it’s fine. It’s pleasantly written. It moves along. There are aristocrats and armies and unpleasant people trying to take over kingdoms with armies and underhanded shenanigans, while our underdog heroes grow up, marshall resources and fight back.

So what? What’s learned? What’s revealed about human nature or political nature or the nature of history? Not much. It’s epically, eipicing along. Sorry, but I was bored.