A review by singh_reads_kanwar2
Travelling in a Strange Land by David Park


A perfect journey of a father which turn into a memory lane for him, when he lost his younger son to the fight of drugs and how he shower his love tobhis family now, shows the redemption of father, love of family, helpful nature to the others in need, and memory of pain which effect him the most throughout the journey....

The wife obliged her husband to get back her son home and ask him to go to his college hostel for Christmas celebration because she came to know he was not well, all the way during the journey father helped every person was in need of help and keep recalling his memories of the past , even though journey was tiring and long he take for his wife wishes and he want to tell his son his feelings and also want to share his boy wishes and feeling like a man to man conversation with him, all the time his thoughts ran for his dead son and how they lost him to drugs and how it effects there familyand how equation of the family life changes after that incident, he was guilty for what happened and Don't want to happen again in nearby future.

Cover of the book is great even though i got the proof copy of the book it is good to read them..