A review by nadine_booklover
Lost and Found by Gina L. Maxwell


3.5 stars

"I stare into his blue eyes sparkling in the lamplight, promising unexpected adventures and stories untold."

This book is one of those that splits my heart. On the one side I really enjoyed reading it and it really is possible to find some magic between the pages (and sheets ;-)) but something was missing. At least to me. And I can't even tell you what it is. It's just a feeling, my feeling. And just because I didn't find it, it doesn't mean you won't find it.

"It's impossible not to enjoy life with Peter Pan. He makes even the simplest pleasures an epic adventures,..."

Gina L. Maxwell succeeded in creating the world of Peter Pan and the Lost Boys in modern times. It certainly helps, that the "boys" all fall under the category "damn fine male species" and the author kept all their original characteristics. Also the easing into the adult character versions of Peter, the Lost Boys, Wendy, Hook and all others is well done. And the flashbacks to the past helped with the understanding of Peter's and Wendy's relationship.

I'm sure, if you are into retelling of fairytales you'll definitely love this book! And with the second epilogue, I have no other chance than continue reading this series with Hook (coming soon).

"The angel to my devil, my saving grace. My heart's adventure."

Pan is a lovely modern retelling of Peter Pan, a second chance romance with the carefree spirits of the Lost Boys, a prim and proper Wendy Darling and some pixie dust that take you on an adventure you don't want to miss.