A review by samthebibookworm
These Violent Delights by Chloe Gong


This book was in my tbr for too long, but once I picked it up I finished in 2 days

I loved this book so much , my favourite character was Roma, that kind yet fierce charachter took my heart crushed it and I am okay with that, Juliette for me was the character which was well little bit too much like me, but this badass person was incredible
*slight spoiler*
She either strangled her American lover or killed 4 white flower men with 3 bullets!!!
Like dayumn woman
Next I absolutely adored Kathleen, her story *chef's kiss*

anyway i loved this, the retelling with the touch of fantasy and guns, PERFECT
thank you chloe gong for writing this!!

now i am patiently waiting for our violent ends to kill me