A review by jay_reads
Penny For Your Thoughts by TL Travis


TL Travis’ Penny For Your Thoughts isn’t just a holiday read… it’s an anytime romance!

As crap years go, Braxton Parker is having a really bad one. With the loss of his mother and grandmother, the approaching holidays are not the least bit enticing. His best friend, Callie, understands his misery, but has had enough of his depressing attitude. Taking matters into her own hands, she gifts Brax with a getaway trip to the cabins his family used to visit every summer.

Taylor Henderson holds no desire to partake in running the family farm. But when his family takes ownership of the cabins adjacent to their land, he fondly remembers his summers spent working there and the blonde boy who would visit every summer. Cabin 12 is near and dear to his heart and he never expects to see his childhood friend and crush again.

Thanks to Callie, Brax and Taylor spend time rekindling their childhood friendship as grown men. The bond that formed all those years ago never faded; it was just stored away as fond memories of their youth. When they meet again, their friendship takes on new meaning and rekindles into scorching desire and mutual admiration. But they only have two weeks; or could there be more?

‘Penny For Your Thoughts’ is sad… but sweet and tender.

The lure of the country and the quaint cabins settle Brax. But he has a life back home. However, that life is now changed, filled with memories of loss and grief. Yet, Callie is there. His job is there. Except, he isn’t really married to his job; besides he can do it remotely or could find something else, something he enjoys more. The cabins are only a two-hour drive away. So many “what if’s” take hold and for the first time Brax is contemplating his future and potential happiness after severe loss. 

Taylor has a life he enjoys, his small-town existence running the family cabins. But… the blonde boy, now a tantalizing man, has never been far from his thoughts. The two weeks they spend together over the holidays only solidifies for him that Brax is the one. But how can they make this work? Will the distance be unsurmountable? 

Penny For Your Thoughts is sad because of the loss Brax suffers, but sweet and tender as life moves forward for Brax and Taylor. A glimpse into their future solidifies that they have overcome their challenges and Brax’s spur-of-the-moment change was the right thing for both men.