A review by themily394
Da Vinci's Tiger by L.M. Elliott


This had such promise when I started it, but it turned out to be incredibly boring. Honestly, it was so close to getting a one star rating for me and I hardly ever hand out one star ratings!

The premise is fantastic - it revolves around art, it's historical fiction, it's the story of a subject from one of da Vinci's paintings. I was excited to read this, especially with the opening line of, "I beg your pardon, I am a mountain tiger." The following 273 pages did not live up to it's opening, though.

What saved this book from a one star rating is how incredibly well researched everything was and the fantastic descriptions and conversation of art. Truly, both of those things were amazing and I was impressed. However, it felt more like I was being TOLD all these things rather than shown. I feel like this would be a good book to read for school if a teacher is looking for a more interesting way for their students to learn about this topic. It felt like I was reading a sort of history book that bored me rather than a historical fiction novel.

With those good things aside, I have a hard time finding anything else I liked. The characters were boring and I didn't care much about what happened to any of them at the end and the story dragged on with very little plot and hardly any tension in anything that happened. I haven't read much historical fiction before, but I'm glad this isn't the first I've read because this novel doesn't make me want to read more.

I don't think I'll find myself recommending this to anyone. Those who have a lot of interest in this era or da Vinci and the painting referenced in this story may enjoy this, but even that I'm not so sure of.