A review by reader44ever
Darkness Raging by Yasmine Galenorn


This book was really good - great even - but due to a couple different continuity errors it lost some of its punch. Also, though I cried three times, I don't think I ever laughed, so I think even without the continuity errors I might still rate it *just* four stars.

Regarding the errors, one concerned the number of found spirit seals. If you've been reading along or following my reviews, you know that eight have been found: the forces for good had four, and Shadow Wing's forces had three. Well, in this book (I think), we learned that
Shadow Wing found a fourth seal, though whether it was the missing one or the ninth, yet to be found, one we weren't told until the end. (He found the missing one. The ninth one is still somewhere out there, waiting to be found.)

When this story opens, we learn that it has been a month or three since the events in the last book and Telazhar has stepped up his war efforts. Menolly, et.al., were fighting bands of goblins and bone walkers coming Earthside via new rogue portals. Well, somewhere around the middle of this story,
Camille calls in her debt from the dragons and they all head to Otherworld to battle Telazhar. Happily, they defeat him. And they reclaimed the spirit seal he had been wearing.

But then later, when
Menolly, et.al. were in the Sub-Realms on their rescue mission for Nerissa, the rescuers were faced with four demons wearing spirit seals. It should have been three! Shadow Wing only had four and Telazhar was wearing one of them when he was killed.
So. . . *grrr*

And then in the end we were told that the
ninth spirit seal and the Keraastar Diamond are still to be found.

Also in the end, Menolly had a thought about how spring had definitely arrived in Seattle. Nothing wrong with that, except for how earlier in the story it was early summer and the ending was maybe only a week or so after the beginning. :-(

So these errors took a lot of my enjoyment for this story out of me. Continuity errors: I despise them!

And I'm disappointed because there was a lot of good stuff in this story. I cried three times, as I said up above: On page 39, in relief with Trenyth; on page 71 when the dragons appeared; and after finishing the book on page 276. :-)

We were witness to more changes in the D'Artigo sisters' lives:
Camille's coronation as Queen of Dusk and and Twilight has been moved up to the summer solstice. Delilah is going to marry Shade on the autumn equinox. And Menolly and Nerissa married Roman! They are both now Princesses and Menolly is in line for the Vampire Throne!
(!!!) :-)

Telazhar was vanquished and the D'Artigo clan now has eight spirit seals. Shadow Wing has none!

So lots of good stuff happened. And lots of changes are ahead for them all.
Menolly and Nerissa are soon to move in with Roman. Camille and her husbands will be moving to Talamh Lonrach Oll after her coronation. And Delilah will be getting married and staying in the house.

I just wish the publisher hadn't cancelled their contract for these stories. The next three books look to be self-published by the author and seem to only be available as either e-books or trade paperbacks.

But I will still buy them. So, on to how this book ends. . .

In the end, Menolly and her sisters
and everyone else but for Hanna and Maggie and Iris's twins head over to Otherworld for a ceremony and celebration to honor them for both bringing the dragons and defeating Telazhar. Chase and Astrid have a reunion with Sharah in Elqaneve, while the rest head to Y'Elestrial and the girls' childhood home. Menolly, Delilah, and Camille take a walk outside, to their garden and the meadow beyond, and. . .
And so we sat, holding hands, under the brilliant stars. Because sometimes we needed to take life one day at a time. Sometimes, we needed to slow down and dance in the meadow and watch for shooting stars with our best friends.
We needed to savor the victories, because the final battle against Shadow Wing was coming. And we needed all our reserves to face the rising storm. [fin]