A review by bunny_herondale
Shadow and Bone by Leigh Bardugo


4.5 actually



Well, actually I saw maaaany people hating this book so when I started reading it I thought this would be bad, but it's actually pretty good.

I mean, don't get me wrong, it still has the cliché of every single YA novel written between 2005 and 2014, but it has plots and very interesting stuff and characters.

One thing I saw that many people hated was the romance between Mal and Alina, I actually liked that part, many people don't believe it but this stuff actually happens, that you notice you're in love with your closest friend only when your closest friend is somewhere else.

I wouldn't say I exactly liked the Darkling, I mean, I like him but not in a literary boyfriend way, more in a oh damn this character is interesting as hell way.

So now that I spoiled something that happens in the second half of the book, let's get started.

What is Shadow & Bone about?

Well, we have the story of this girl, Alina, who is an orphan and his only family is Mal, a sexy, strong, tall and a little womanizer guy that is an orphan too and Alina's best friend. Of course Alina is in love with him and Mal is oblivious to it.

So, one day in their life as members of the First Army, they're about to die, so Alina shows her true power hidden deep inside her and saves their lifes and few others more, yay!

But what is that power? Well, I'm glad you asked! Alina is a Grisha, the Grisha are people that do stuff that seems like magic but isn't actually magic, is manipulating nature and all that stuff to make other stuff, fire, darknes or sunlight in Alina's case.

Of course because Alina is our main character her power has to be unique! She is the Sun Summoner... THE ONLY ONE, amazing, right?

But obviously she doesn't found it amazing, she wants to return home, to Mal, even when she has everything in the Little Palace, everything but Mal, of course.

So now she has to get trained and try not to get to much involved with that amazing misterious dark haired hot man that is also one of the most powerful and ancient men alive.

Want to know what happens next? Well, read the book, is actually pretty good and I don't think you want to be spoiled in the upcoming Netflix adaptation.