A review by servemethesky
Still Stace: My Gay Christian Coming-Of-Age Story an Illustrated Memoir by Stacey Chomiak


This is a really tough one to rate! I thoroughly enjoyed this illustrated memoir and thought the author did an excellent job sharing her story in an honest, vulnerable way. It was absolutely heartbreaking and so sad for 90% of it. I'm glad she found the peace she was looking for and was finally able to embrace her queer identity.

When I picked this up, I thought from the cover that maybe she was at a Christian summer camp and would eventually leave Christianity as she embraced her queerness. I was shook that she remained a Christian by the end. That's my own biases coming into play, as I am no longer a practicing Christian despite being raised that way. I just couldn't believe that she would choose to remain in the faith despite all the harm Christianity has done to the queer community and beyond.

It's not for me to judge her choices of course, and I'm happy she and her wife & fam are happy! Plus, I think this would be an awesome resource for Christian kids struggling to navigate their own sexuality/queerness. It's doing exactly the job its meant to do :) I'm just not 100% the precise target audience and that's okay!