A review by beastreader
The Billionaire Beast by Jackie Ashenden


This book is an erotic take on Beauty and the Beast. Although, in the beginning Nero came off as a major bully then a tortured soul. In fact, it got to a point that I could not stand Nero and almost stopped reading. Yet, the story did steam up between Nero and Phoebe. This passion was enough for me to stick it out a while longer. Again, however, the first sex scene with Phoebe and Nero did not come off as sexy to me because Nero was still being rude. Phoebe was the saving grace for me. It was because of her determination to stand up to Nero that she keep me hanging on.

The last third of this book is where it really came together for me. It is also within these pages that I truly got to know Nero. When I learned his story, his soul came out and he actually won me over. That one last scene where Nero pours his heart out to Phoebe is a moving scene. I am glad these two found their happy ending.