A review by deanapotter
Murder by the Seashore by Samara Yew


Scarlett Gardner is trying to make her dreams come true. Opening her beach book shop Palm Trees and Page Turner is the beginning of a good thing. Until her boyfriend/business partner decides to leave for a better job. Then to top things off, Scarlet finds a dead body under the pier not far from her Bookshop, making her a suspect in the murder. Then to mix things up just a little bit, a lawyer shows up wanting to speak to Scarlet about an inheritance from a person she has never heard of. Scarlet is filled with lots of questions and not finding too many answers. Deciding to do a little investigating of her own, Scarlet has to clear her name, and that of the book shop.

Murder by the seashore, is a fantastic opening book for this new series. Scarlett Gardner is an interesting main character. She has some complexities to her, has dreams and desires. She wants to fulfill and has a very good heart. She has a solid character any Author has written her in a way that she will be able to grow through future installments. I thought we were going to see the beginning of a love interest in the first book but I guess we’re not quite there yet. As for the mystery, I found it very enjoyable. Author Samara Yew does a wonderful job at keeping the reader guessing as to whether they have actually figured it out or not. From the setting to the characters to the storyline, I found this a very enjoyable, cozy mystery.