A review by spacestationtrustfund
The Complete Greek Drama: All the Extant Tragedies of Aeschylus, Sophocles and Euripides, and the Comedies of Aristophanes and Menander, in a Variety of Translations, 2 Volumes by Eugene O'Neill Jr., Whitney J. Oates


The Suppliants, E.D.A. Morshead
The Persians, Robert Potter
The Seven Against Thebes, E.D.A. Morshead
Prometheus Bound, Paul Elmer More
Agamemnon, E.D.A. Morshead
The Choephori, E.D.A. Morshead
The Eumenides, E.D.A. Morshead

Ajax, R.C. Trevelyan
Oedipus the King, R.C. Jebb
Antigone, R.C. Jebb
The Trachiniae, R.C. Jebb
Electra, R.C. Jebb
Philoctetes, Thomas Francklin
Oedipus at Colonus, R.C. Jebb

Alcestis, Richard Aldington
Medea, E.P. Coleridge
Hippolytus, E.P. Coleridge
Hecuba, E.P. Coleridge
Andromache, E.P. Coleridge
The Heracleidae, E.P. Coleridge
The Suppliants, E.P. Coleridge
The Trojan Women, Gilbert Murray
Heracles, E.P. Coleridge
Iphigenia in Tauris, Robert Potter
Ion, Robert Potter
Helen, E.P. Coleridge
Electra, E.P. Coleridge
Orestes, E.P. Coleridge
The Phoenissae, E.P. Coleridge
The Bacchae, Gilbert Murray
Iphigenia in Aulis, F.M. Stawell
Rhesus, Gilbert Murray
The Cyclops, E.P. Coleridge

The Acharnians, Translator Anonymous
The Knights, Translator Anonymous
The Clouds, Translator Anonymous
The Wasps, Translator Anonymous
Peace, Translator Anonymous
The Birds, Translator Anonymous
Lysistrata, Translator Anonymous
The Thesmophoriazusae, Translator Anonymous
The Frogs, Gilbert Murray
The Ecclesiazusae, Translator Anonymous
Plutus, Translator Anonymous

The Girl from Samos, L.A. Post
The Arbitration, L.A. Post
The Shearing of Glycera, L.A. Post