A review by bhavani
The Viscount's Christmas Temptation by Erica Ridley


This is certainly one of those stories that improve on second reading. As I read it for the second time, I vaguely recalled certain scenes but for some reason, enjoyed it more this time.

Lady Amelia Pembroke needs a husband. Not for the want of money but because if she doesn't marry and move out of her brother's household, of which she is currently the mistress, she thinks that he won't marry and beget an heir. Amelia is a genius and as a woman living in early 19th century England, there aren't many ways for her to use her intelligence and so she resorts to managing everything and everyone around her. This part made me feel sad for Amelia. In a different later century, she could be so much more without raising an eyebrow.

Back to the story, Amelia decides on a few criteria that she thinks a husband must fulfill one of which is that he must be titled as such that any future offspring of theirs can be a lady or a lord (viscounts and barons need not apply). She even decides to conduct her husband hunting during the Sheffield's annual Christmas Eve ball, the event of the season attended by all aristocratic men. Upon hearing that the traditional venue for the ball had burned down and as such, the ball is canceled, Amelia decides that the ball must go on, even if she has to pay for it herself and sets off to convince (read: maneuver) Lord Sheffield into agreeing with her. Enter Benedict, Viscount Sheffield, who is more than happy to let the tradition lapse. As they scout for an ideal new location for the ball, they find themselves falling for each other. What makes this story interesting is Amelia's keen intellect and the witty conversations between Amelia, her brother, and Benedict. She is unapologetically intelligent and the men around her find her wonderful. Her staff regards her with respect for her kindness and efficiency. It's a short story and you can probably finish it in one sitting.