A review by wulfwyn
How To Write a Simple Book Review: It's easier than you think by Allyson R. Abbott


The Book Does Make It Easy

I picked up this book because I try to leave reviews on the books I read. If life is going at rocket speed I may just leave a star rating with the intention of a later review. Even though I have written a few reviews I frequently feel that my review could be better. I believe we are constantly learning and everything can be improved upon. This book offers a lot of help in writing reviews. I think it is aimed at those who never write reviews or a beginner. I am neither but I found a lot of good information in the book. I especially am fond of the templates and examples that were toward the end. The one thing I didn't care for, (it is what lead to the minus star), is the author repeatedly stating that reviews need to be written. This could be because I already understand that. I tried making allowances as I do think her intended audience are those readers who never thought to leave a review. However after a bit I started feeling like I was being beaten up over it. I am certain that was not the intention of the author but it did begin to feel that way. If you are looking for some guidance on how to write reviews I would still recommend this book. The information is worth it. With the exception of the repeated badgering for reviewing, the author writes with a helpful and knowledgeable attitude. The examples and templates are easy to follow and, I thought, very helpful.