A review by amz101
Descent by Natasha Knight


Natasha Knight never ceases to amaze me. Her ability to weave together and master a dark romance will always have my mind captivated. With each book I read of hers, the more I fall in love with her way of telling a story and Descent was just as amazing as the rest of her books.

In Descent, without going into too much detail...
Persephone and Hayden's story had me flipping page after page, the hair on the back of my neck stood up, my butt on the edge of the seat and holding my breath as the author threw me into a story full of so many plot twist.

Persephone was different. Not the usual heroine's I read about in this book. She may of came off as weak but she was everything other than weak and has the story progressed, I could see the strength she had. Her world was up-hauled and she had no choice than to fight her way through it and fight it the only way she knew how.

Hayden comes off as cold, hard, and not a man you want to mess with. He was twisted and had my mind reeling with the things he was doing and saying. He was out for revenge and once he had set his mind on that... That was the person it created. A cold, hard, and callous man...

What transpired throughout this book left me speechless. I can normally guess where a dark romance will lead but with Ms. Knights books that's never the case. She continues to throw me off track and just when I finally start to work things out, or so I thought. She will drop me into a plot twist that throws me completely off.

I loved this book! There's nothing quite like a Natasha Knight book. It was dark, gritty, delicious, twisted, addictive and all-consuming and had my attention from page one, all the way through to the end.
This author cannot write a bad book!

5 Stars!