A review by lisapaige13
The Beauty of the Moment by Tanaz Bhathena


I loved Bhathena's first book A Girl Like That and I couldn't wait to read her new one. Beauty of the Moment is a change of pace from A Girl Like That. It is more lighthearted, while still touching on serious, relevant issues pertaining to teens while set against the backdrop of a sweet, realistic romance.

Susan has just immigrated to Canada from Saudi Arabia with her mom. She has a bit of culture shock as she attends a co-ed high school and starts getting attention from boys. Her parents are demanding and pressure her to do the absolute best in school in the hopes of going to university to become a doctor or an engineer.

Malcolm is the class clown/ bad boy of the school. His mom died from bone cancer years before and his family life has been unstable ever since, including an incident where his father beat him. He has slowly stopped caring about school and parties with friends.

When the two meet, they both start becoming more comfortable with who they are and find comfort in each other. Their romance is somewhat chaste and innocent, but sweet and very realistic. Like most romances, there is a part when they break up and separate. Without spoiling anything, I liked how this was handled and that they didn't rush back together but there was still forgiveness.

The Beauty of the Moment is another great addition to the trend of diverse romances. Although a little more serious than Sandhya Menon and Maurene Goo's books, this will satisfy fans of both. I'm definitely a fan of Bhathena and can't wait to read more from her.